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Premium Kundan Necklace

Premium Kundan Necklace


Kiara Inspired Wedding Neckpiece

Kiara Inspired Wedding Neckpiece

Bridal Diamond Studded Neckpiece


Bridal Diamond Studded Neckpiece
Made On Orders
Customization Available
Material – Alloy & AD stones
Making Time Is 15 Days
Contact Support For More Inquiries- 9599135972; 7428111855


Bridal Diamond Studded Neckpiece

Are you a jewellery lover? If so, then our Bridal Diamond Studded Neckpiece will surely amaze you. With us, you can experience some classic collection of designer necklaces. You will just love those as all our necklaces come in unique design. Basically, we deal in Pink Diamond Necklace Set of all varieties, whether it is light or heavy. However, we can guarantee you that; our necklaces will suit any kind of attire. Apart from our designer necklaces, we also deal with traditional necklaces as well as some artificial ones too.

We love Bridal Diamond Studded Neckpiece

But, our online store is dedicated in selling you with mainly. They come in single pieces and if you wish, you can get necklaces with earrings too. However, we charge minimal prices for such beautiful Rose gold choker set that we sell. So, buying from our online store is definitely worth it, as we guarantee you with best product in affordable rates.


Wipe your jewellery with a soft cloth after every use. Store your jewellery in a flat box to avoid accidental scratches. Keep sprays and perfumes away from your jewellery. Do not soak your jewellery in water. Clean your jewellery using a soft brush, dipped in jewellery cleaning solution only.

Return & Replacement

We have easy return and replacement policy. Click here to checkout the return and replacement policy.

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Baby Pink, Green, Red

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